Flying Car Research Lab, lead by Prof. Nakano, researches holistic system design of aircraft, business and transportation using flying cars, with an aim to launch a start-up in the near future and propose relevant policies to realize flying cars.
1 Energy, Resources, Environment and Mobility
Business Engineering Lab researches development of diffusion models of clean energy vehicle such as electric vehicle and fuel cell vehicle, using life cycle assessment and Input-Output Table evaluation.
2 Design of Mobility and Human Life
Business Engineering Lab designs mobility systems connected with the local area and human life, such as personal mobility and local air transportation.

Advanced City Model Project
Analysis of target cities for infrastructure development to be used in the next-generation society and cities
Systemization of technical base for the infrastructure to be developed along with apartment housing for reconstruction
Systemization of technical base for infrastructure to be applied to high/middle/low density districts
Models for developing next-generation infrastructure in accordance with local characteristics and scales
Next-generation energy systems using unutilized energy and renewable energy
Flying Car Research Project
Flying Car Research Lab
Lab’s Poster
Prof. Masaru NAKANO’s article
“Good Opportunities of Flying Cars for the Japanese Industries and Government with a Vision to Develop a Sustainable Society”
Mar. 21, 2019 The Nikkei morning eidition, and the Nikkei Online Edition
See the article (Japanese only)
Proposal at Public-Private Conference for Future Air Mobility for roadmapping of flying cars (Oct. 2, 2018)
Part of the interview results of the Flying Car Lab on the views of potential flying car users (Presented at Public-Private Conference for Future Air Mobility, Dec. 20, 2018)
Examples of Mobility-Related Research
・Tomomi Nonaka The Carbon Taxation Using LCA for Clean Energy Vehicles ・Tadashi Karai Estimation on Sustainability for Copper Domestic Supply by Considering Recycling Flow ・Keita Kato Optimization Model for Global Portfolio of Clean Energy Vehicles Considering Metal Resources and Evaluation for Copper Resource Constraint ・Yasuyuki Watanabe A Study on Requirements for Diffusion of Carsharing to Reduce CO2 Emissions ・Rehito Numata Systems Engineering Approach for Sustainable Business Model of Regional Air Transportation ・Shanrong SHU Optimization of Automobile Sales Portfolio under New Environmental Policy in China ・CHUA, Seng Tat Design of Taxation to Promote Electric Vehicles in Singapore ・Yosuke Arimori Portfolio Optimization for Clean Energy Vehicle in Japan ・Tomomi Nonaka Green Policies for Clean Energy Vehicles Using Life Cycle Assessment ・Noriyuki sasaki An Evaluation of Diffusion Possibilities of Ultra-Small Vehicles in Consideration of Consumers’ Preference ・Jun Osawa Analysis of the economic ripple effect caused by the spread of Clean Energy Vehicles ・Tomotaka Okutsu System Design of On-Demand Aviation Service ・Yusuke Mihara Airframe Design Optimization and Market Forecast of Flying Car ・Julio Budiman Design of a Collision Avoidance System in Three-Dimensional Space for Flying Cars ・PAYUHAVORAKULCHAI Pawnlada Process of Configuration Design by Systems Engineering Approach and Cost Estimation for Autonomous Air Ambulance ・Kozo Unno Future mobility services by utilizing “flying car” for Local revitalization ・Atsushi Iwamura A study to adopt flying car to an emergency medical mobility – Architecture Design – ・Keita Ishizaki Forecasting Life Cycle CO2 Emissions of Passenger Vehicles and Needs for Automotive Lubricants Considering Vehicle Use Environment in Japan ・Jun Osawa Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Clean Energy Vehicles Using Input-Output Tables ・Kamila Romejko Sustainability Analysis of Alternative Fuel Vehicles by using Life Cycle Assessment and Optimisation ・David Chew Vee Kuan Business Dynamics Evaluation of Battery Swapping in Electric Vehicle Systems