1 Energy and Urban design
Renewable energy, fascinated energy, hydrogen, electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, a combination of the life of the smart grid and the people, large-scale city, in medium-sized cities, model a small town, find each of the optimal combination
2 Environment and Urban Design
Designing urban greening, Stock model city to environment, resource, disaster prevention.
3 Urban and human life design
Designing attractive town in with the declining birth rate and aging population, using teleworking and human working style.

Advanced urban model project
Analysis of the target city’s social urban infrastructural developments in relation to the next generation
The application of systemization of fundamental technology of infrastructure in the reconstruction of apartment houses
Systemization of fundamental technology of infrastructure in high density, medium density and low density city structures
Preparation model of the utilization of the next-generation energy infrastructure in correspondence to regional characteristics and scales
Next-generation energy system utilized for “unused energy & renewable resource energy”
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